Friday, February 1, 2013

Happy Love Month

I LOVE any holiday in the classroom. I LOVE my kiddos and I LOVE teaching fifth grade, but one thing that I do miss about teaching younger buddies is being able to do cutesy little crafts with them. My fifth graders would rather eat cupcakes or have a party, which is precisely what we will do this Valentine's Day! I know we will have a great time swapping LOVE notes, eating sweet treats, and enjoying some down time.

I just wanted to share one of my favorite things from last year that I did on Valentine's Day with my 3rd graders during my student teaching. We made LOVE FUDGE right in the classroom - using just a microwave! And then we did a little writing activity that required them to put the steps of the recipe in order. I LOVED this activity and am hoping some of you out there can use it in your lower-grade classrooms this Valentine's Day. {Click here to check it out on my TpT page...It's only $1.50!}

Happy LOVE Month!!


  1. Hey Emily! Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog and congrats with the baby!!!!
    In response to your foldable question, I do not have a TPT store, but the fordable I made was from Dinah Zikes foldable for Notebooks book. Are you familiar with her?? google her name and you will find all sorts of foldable books including science ones you can order. You could make it in word too...but it would take a little time. :) I am your newest follower!!! Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend and thanks again for your sweet words :)


    1. I was not familiar with Dinah!! Just looked it up. Thank you so much for the tip!! See, this is why I LOVE blogging! I learn so much from other teachers that I would have otherwise never learned. Thanks again!!
