Saturday, December 15, 2012

So Little Time

And so many fun lessons to teach and talk about. This school year has zipped by me. Completely. I have totally and inexplicably neglected by blog. I have no excuse other than I'm pregnant. And a school teacher.

With that said, I am so sad that I have neglected bloggy land throughout my first year as a teacher. I have to be honest and say that science isn't really what I ever imagined myself teaching. And I'm still struggling to come to terms with the fact that I am really not that great at it...yet. I also struggle finding other teacher blogs that solely focus on science. I have a long way to go in order to feel confident about teaching science, but I have been proactive for next year. I have organized my files and lessons into two categories: Keepers and What Were You Thinking-ers. And then I added a category: Things I Should Have Thought to do Before!!

I am wrapping up my unit on light right now and I have to say that this is definitely the most challenging material I have ever taught - even when I was creating lessons while I was still in school. This material is HARD. There is no mistake about it! It's just very hard. And these kids are in FIFTH grade! I love that their little minds are already soaking up material that is this complex.

I just uploaded some good stuff to my TpT page that might help any science teachers out there that are also struggling with this material. You can click here to check it out. Shortly, I will also be posting a Bingo game that will be a great assessment tool in addition to a great review tool to use before a comprehensive assessment. Here's a little peek:

Here's a tip: making a Bingo game is a big pain in the rear, so please don't waste your time and go buy mine! :) It will have all of the directions, all of the questions, and 18 different game boards needed to be able to play this game.

Hope to be back before or during Christmas break with some fabulous finds or creations. Happy Holiday Break to all of you fabulous teachers out there!! 5 more days!

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